Flag of Mauritania

Facts, history and meaning about the flag of Mauritania
Mauritania is located in Africa.
The official ISO 3166 code for Mauritania is:
The flag was adopted in the same year that Mauritania became an independent republic, in 1959, although the country still retained special relations with the French empire.
The green color is known to represent Islam, which is the most widely used religion in the country. The crescent and star is also a traditional Muslim symbol, derived from the Ottoman Empire.
The green and yellow colors are also included in the pan-African colors and the flag shows the geographical location of the country in Africa. Green is a classic color to symbolize hope and the yellow can also be seen as the sand of the Saharan desert.
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Mauritania flag coloring page
Printable coloring page
Coloring page for the flag of Mauritania. Print it and fill it with colors! Perfect entertainment for the kids or in school. The coloring page is a PDF-file that is ready to use in a printer.
Mauritania flag, printable
Download and print the flag of Mauritania
You can download the image of this flag. The file format is PNG.