Flag of Qatar

Facts, history and meaning about the flag of Qatar
Qatar is located in Asia.
The official ISO 3166 code for Qatar is:
Traditionally, most Arabian flags along the Persian Gulf have included various shades of red.
The purple tone of Qatar's flag is said to come from a specific red dye that makes a purple shade appear when exposed to the sun's strong rays in the Arabian desert.
The flag resembles the Bahrain flag, but what separates them is the color and the number of "teeth" that divide the purple color from the white. Like most other Arabian flags, the flag of Bahrain also features a red color.
The flag of Qatar was adopted in 1949, and became officially valid on July 1st, 1971.
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Qatar flag coloring page
Printable coloring page
Coloring page for the flag of Qatar. Print it and fill it with colors! Perfect entertainment for the kids or in school. The coloring page is a PDF-file that is ready to use in a printer.
Qatar flag, printable
Download and print the flag of Qatar
You can download the image of this flag. The file format is PNG.