Flag of Hungary

Facts, history and meaning about the flag of Hungary
Hungary is located in Europe.
The official ISO 3166 code for Hungary is:
The flag of Hungary was adopted on the 1st of October, 1957, with the proportions 1:2. The country's trade flag differs slightly with the proportions 2:3.
The flag, like many other national flags, is a tricolor. It features red, white and green. The colors originate from the city arms of Hungary, which is a split shield with divided patterns on both sides of the split.
The red color on the flag symbolizes power, the white represents faithfulness and the green is a symbol of hope. The first Hungarian flag was the Arpad flag that was added shortly after the 9th century. During the 1000s, Hungary was established as a state when Stefan the First was crowned king.
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Hungary flag coloring page
Printable coloring page
Coloring page for the flag of Hungary. Print it and fill it with colors! Perfect entertainment for the kids or in school. The coloring page is a PDF-file that is ready to use in a printer.
Hungary flag, printable
Download and print the flag of Hungary
You can download the image of this flag. The file format is PNG.