Flag of Moldova

Facts, history and meaning about the flag of Moldova
The moldovan flag is a flag with a bird in the middle.
Moldova is located in Europe.
The official ISO 3166 code for Moldova is:
Moldova's flag is similar to the flag of Romania, which reflects their historical and cultural affinities. During the riots against the Ottoman Empire, it was used as a national symbol for Romania, which consisted of Oltenia in blue, Muntenia in yellow and Moldova in red.
When Moldova was under Soviet rule, between 1940-1941 and 1944-1989, a full red flag was used displaying the hammer and sickle, and in 1952, the flag was updated with a green central band. The flag was adopted just before the Soviet fall on April 27th. Today's version combines the previous flag of Romania with Moldova's state weapon, symbolizing an expressed wish to reunite the two countries.
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Moldova flag coloring page
Printable coloring page
Coloring page for the flag of Moldova. Print it and fill it with colors! Perfect entertainment for the kids or in school. The coloring page is a PDF-file that is ready to use in a printer.
Moldova flag, printable
Download and print the flag of Moldova
You can download the image of this flag. The file format is PNG.