Flag of Congo Kinshasa

Facts, history and meaning about the flag of Congo Kinshasa
Congo Kinshasa is located in Africa.
The official ISO 3166 code for Congo Kinshasa is:
The blue color in the flag symbolizes peace, the red is a reminder of the country's martyrs, the yellow is for the riches of the land, and the star represents the future.
The country gained its independence in 1960, after being ruled by Belgium since 1908, which is also the year the first Republic of the Congo was formed.
The design of the flag has changed many times, but their current flag is very similar to the two versions existing between the years 1963 and 1971. Their first flag as an independent nation featured a lighter shade of blue with a big yellow star in the middle, and six smaller stars positioned on the inner edge of the flag, closest to the flag pole.
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Congo Kinshasa flag coloring page
Printable coloring page
Coloring page for the flag of Congo Kinshasa. Print it and fill it with colors! Perfect entertainment for the kids or in school. The coloring page is a PDF-file that is ready to use in a printer.
Congo Kinshasa flag, printable
Download and print the flag of Congo Kinshasa
You can download the image of this flag. The file format is PNG.